Here, I blog miscellanious, random stuff

November 11, 2023. Morning.
Last night, I think I could feel one of those dang sideways wisdom teeth vying to push its way through the entire length of my jaw.
At least, I hope that's what that dull ache near the base of my jaw was.
I am getting it checked medically by a doctor. They did an X-ray but they want to do a 3D X-ray to see how close those misbehaving, frankly unwise teeth are to a nerve in my jaw.
That X-ray can't come soon enough.

November 9, 2023. Nighttime.
Not entirely sure how to do what I want here.
I can hear fireworks outside. I'm not telling anyone why bc I don't wanna reveal where I live.
Today might be just a slightly bit better. I'm exhausted.
I wonder if I can do polls on my website, like other social media sites. Thinking something along the lines of Tumblr. In fact, that's how I want to introduce some of my ideas!