Kraken Cogbraker

Ian Cognitto's archnemisis. They go way back.

Kraken Cogbraker started off as an offputting and lonely kid. In his early years, he looked up to Ian Cognitto as a Cool Kid. And Ian had the grace to let Kraken be his friend. Under Ian's wing, in his secret club, Kraken was given a place where he would be respected - Kraken was Ian's right hand man, essentially. And Kraken was happy - so happy in fact, he made no effort to befriend anyone else in the club. And after so many loyal years... disaster struck. With no warning and no explanation, Ian kicked him out in their high school years. Kraken was furious, but as Ian Cognitto became more and more reclusive, Kraken found that he couldn't do anything about it. Kraken moved on, his heart limping behind him.
Until very recently, when he found a familiar face, and with a new group that Kraken wasn't invited to, apparently.

There are many rumors spread about Kraken Cogbraker. Of course there would be rumors about this man, who stands higher than six feet and whose presence stands higher than even his true appearance, with luminous yellow eyes and who slobbers like a rabid dog.

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