Seaclimbers and the Crystal Seas

In a basin of crystals of many different kinds, the Crystal Seas are the largest of the islands. The Gap-ports of the Seas are bustling centers of industry, and the wildernesses are fraught with fearsome beasts. It is the homeland of the large, proud seaclimbers.

Seaclimbers as a whole

Seaclimbers are large, semiaquatic molluscs with crystalline shells. Their four thick limbs give them the strength to carry their heavy shells outside of the water with a modicum of grace(with a bit of practice).

The shells of Seaclimbers can be made of most minerals (and perhaps a few rocks). However, their eyes are made of the same substance. Seaclimbers with shells/eyes made of an opaque mineral (such as potch opal) may have some level of blindness.

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